Update NYPD's lawyers "stop and frisk Serpico" a global icon know for his courage fighting NYPD Corruption bring global attention to even MORE NYPD Corruption and in your
face STUPIDITY? Serpico has nothing to hide.
Adrian Schoolcraft Trial -- the closest thing we have to a Commission in to NYPD Corruption begins Sept. 2013.
How can you help Adrain Schoolcraft. If you have ideas go for it but right now tweet the news that main stream media is killing and why are the doing so.
https://www.facebook.com/AdrianSchoolcraftFanClub Please visit and give a thumbs up!
Please use every form of social media to get the story of Adrian Schoolcraft out there as well as any other info you have on NYPD whistle blowers.
The Queens DA just ruled that Adrian Schoolcraft being abducted by corrupt NYPD officers and they are high up cannot be put in front of a Grand Jury! Gee, I wonder why. Well Richard Brown and Internal Affairs say Deputy Chief Marino and DI Mauriello did nothing wrong getting an NYPD Swat team with machine guns called ESU unit (interview these guys and I bet they even think it was wrong) shutting down the street, bringing in a fire truck all because Adrian Schoolcraft had good reason to be scared.
MARCH 2013 UPDATE: http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2013/03/nypd-whistle-blower-adrian-schoolcraft.html ADRIAN'S LAWYERS JUST SERVED QUEENS DA RICHARD BOWN!!!!!
NYDN March 13, 2013 Update: Adrian Schoolcraft NYPD Whistle Blower is suing over psych ward lockup after doctors held him from leaving
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/juiced_nypd_big_facing_suspension_wc9WSIA4l0RvfQ7MgF4KzL NY Post article on Chief Marino --- juiced tested positve -- listen to Adrian Schoolcraft tape of abduction Deputy Chief Marion sounds "juiced" and like he is the EDP -- emotionally disturbed person not a very calm sane Adrian Schoolcraft.
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.
(starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.)
(starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.)
http://www.startribune.com/templates/Print_This_Story?sid=105070439 Read about NYPD Mauriello and others involved getting in trouble. "Mauriello was charged with purposely tampering with grand larceny and car theft reports, and with misleading internal investigators. The sergeant was accused of failing to verify that two officers had filed a robbery complaint; the same two officers were charged with not following the order to file the complaint." Fast forward to now - no media coverage Richard Brown says not no foul no crime.
Here are some links and posts....
short list -- go to the link above for more.
NYPD report supports claims by Adrian Schoolcraft, cop whistleblower
Demands are growing louder for more oversight of the NYPD, but a department official blasted the idea that the city police force needs any extra sets of eyes.
http://www.queensda.org/newpressreleases/2012/december/schoolcraft_statement_12_04_2012.pdf Read this from Queens DA - hold your nose.
DA Excoriated for Handling of Adrian Schoolcraft Case!
4 days ago – By RICHARD STEIER — Monday, December 10th, 2012; 'The Chief / Civil Service ... NYPD Tapes Update: Queens DA Richard Brown's Repor.http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/16/nyregion/officer-adrian-schoolcraft-forcibly-hospitalized-got-no-apology-just-a-bill.html?_r=0
Adrian Schoolcraft: Caught in the Snake Pit
August 9, 2010Whistleblower Adrian Schoolcraft is about to throw the book at the NYPD and Jamaica Hospital, charging in an explosive lawsuit that both of them conspired to imprison him in the hospital’s psychiatric ward for six days without any medical justification.
Schoolcraft maintains that, in a maneuver reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, his forced hospitalization was the culmination of an NYPD plan to harass, intimidate, and neutralize him because he had been reporting corruption.
Here are some of my posts....
Mayor Bloomberg Commissioner Kelly Darkest Days Adrian Schoolcraft, 3 NYPD Trials in the Bronx and The First Precinct Makes an Assault Disappear
This blog is dedicated to Det John Vergona and all those involved in making me being violently assaulted by Delita Hooks, Dr. Fagelman’s receptionist office manager disappear .
I was a cop lover and what ever bad apples I blogged about I believe in the good NYPD. Det John Vergona, his supervisors Sgt Chen, Lt. Burgos and DI Ed Winski taught me a lesson and now I am blogging to work towards a new commission -- we had the Knapp, Mollen and we need a new Commission and even more than that to prevent yet fall back in to what we have now.
Bloomberg Kelly NYPD Darkest Days Part 4 TV Interview Adrian Schoolcraft
FYI : FYI -- I was a cop lover! Just two examples after Sept. 11
In case The Wall Street Journal removes my letter "Betrayal at Ground Zero I made a screen shot.
The New York Times NYPD FDNY Raises
Thanks and gratitude
@bklynphatman …orbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2012/12/adrian… This is very disturbing Serpico says nothing has changed NYPD Corruption. Hynes in bed with cops | ||
05:53 PM - 05 Dec 12 |
![]() | Retweeted by |
LaCokaNostraSolder @bklynphatman | |||
To 566 followers. |
02:20 PM - 14 Dec 12
Adrian Schoolcraft Support Blog fight NYPD Corruptionsuzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/12/adrain… | ||
06:41 PM - 16 Dec 12 |
![]() | Favorited by |
![]() | Stop Christine Quinn @stopchrisquinn | ||
The New Corrupt Adventures Of Old Christine. We Wish We Were Joking. http://t.co/bkONCr3g |
FYI: Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg junior!
Adrian Schoolcraft Support Blog fight NYPD Corruptionsuzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/12/adrain… | ||
06:41 PM - 16 Dec 12 |
![]() | Retweeted by |
![]() | No Third Term @NoTh3rdTerm | ||
To 197 followers. |
NYPD caught down grading serial rape first degree rape listen to radio show!
Honest NYPD Det retired out of disgust.
Haste Trial: Activist huge turn out Bronx DA delays trial -- NYPD trying to move it out of the Bronx
Larry Schoolcraft interview but FYI made a mistake he was not a police capt in Texas just a police officer.
NYPD 3 Trials in the Bronx and FYI 2013 is going to be very rough for the NYPD with law suits, criminal trials, stop and frisk and more and more People calling for outside monitors -- the Feds, a Commission -- the word on the street all over NYC is The NYPD ARE OUT of CONTROL!!!!!!
I was a cop lover. This Adrian Schoolcraft blog is dedicated to corrupt cop Det John Vergona, his supervisors Lt. Angelo Burgos, Sgt Chen, and Deputy Ed Winksi who would not call me back when I reported that Det. John Vergona used a false complaint by Delita Hooks, Dr. Andrew Fagelman's receptionist -- a false cross complaint to make me being assaulted in a medical office go away.
Watch this assault and even Sgt. Chen practically laughed saying you are the one assaulted in the doctors office. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&feature=share&list=UUmCef-t72tojrbQ3d8UW2LA According to the First Precinct Statistical report this never happened. She could have closed the door but instead she went from stalking me in the office, menacing me violently giving me the finger to far worse.
There is nothing that I or any patient could do to deserve being assaulted. If any of these NYPD's wives or daughters was assaulted there would have been applied the law.
I am one of how many New Yorkers that have been threatened with false arrest?
I am one of how many New Yorkers that was a victim of a crime and the NYPD prevented it from
being part of their statistical report and did not investigate it they way they should have or at all.
I am one of how many victims that the NYPD played judge, jury and god or should I say the devil?
Under Mike Bloomberg we have a record amount of stop and frisks, a record number of false
arrests. The NYPD are out of control and they appear to be in the newspaper almost every day.
I was just told a rumor that an NYPD Internal Affairs Sgt was arrested but it smells of payback.
Again and again people wonder does IA investigate or cover-up for the NYPD.
"The incident marks at least the sixth time an NYPD cop has been arrested since the beginning of November, including a former Marine who was also driving drunk, an officer who keyed a man's car after a heated argument, and a jilted sergeant who viciously threatened his ex."
Funny our health conscious mayor has nothing to say about NYPD drinking and driving including manslaughter for NYPD Det Spellman.
Bloomberg nothing to say about Adrian Schoolcraft's tapes, the Queens DA refusing to put Schoolcraft's abduction by his superiors using a Swat team before a grand jury who would have indicted Deputy Chief Marino and DI Mauriello for starters and no comment about 3 very disturbing trials in the bronx.
Google Bloomberg Kelly darkest days.
Brown's "investigation" is based on documents, not testimony.
The doctors involved already said that they were intimidated by the police presence, and went along with what they wanted, although there was no medical reason to do so.
Once that testimony comes out in the civil suit, will Brown seek indictments for "falsifying business records" on the doctors?
Brown may have painted himself into a corner once all this comes out at trial, but it was obvious that he had no intention whatsoever in making this Schoolcraft thing a big deal.
Bloomberg Kelly NYPD Darkest Days Part 4 TV Interview Adrian Schoolcraft
Mayor Bloomberg NYPD Det Leopold McLean Guilty of Attempted Murder?
Did the Media not see this legal post from June 2012?
What does this legal ruling mean?
Excerpts from above go to link:
[*1] People v McLean 2012 NY Slip Op 51045(U) Decided on June 13, 2012 Supreme Court, Queens County Blumenfeld, J. Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on June 13, 2012
Supreme Court, Queens County
The People of the State of New York
Leopold McLean, Defendant.
What does this legal ruling mean?
Excerpts from above go to link:
[*1] People v McLean 2012 NY Slip Op 51045(U) Decided on June 13, 2012 Supreme Court, Queens County Blumenfeld, J. Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. This opinion is uncorrected and will not be published in the printed Official Reports.
Decided on June 13, 2012
Supreme Court, Queens County
The People of the State of New York
Leopold McLean, Defendant.
Thanks Det. John Vergona and his bosses at the First Precinct for this blog to support Adrian Schoolcraft.
CCRB shut down indefinitely
I spoke to Larry Schoolcraft - I wanted to understand why the NYPD make crimes disappear -- (note -- I was a victim of a violent assault which I caught the beginning on video and according to the First Precinct--- it never happened!!!!!!!) and Larry said downgrading crime is about economic development and tourism!
Adrian Schoolcraft was abducted just before Bloomberg' election -- the third term Mike barely won and Mike was selling the lie crime was down. If the NYPD didn't keep him prisoner essentially kidnapping him and keeping him in a psyche ward --- Adrian could have run to the press alerting them Bloomberg selling crime down a big lie!
http://www.commentarymagazine.com/article/the-bloomberg-bubble-bursts/ Reminder in this article Bloomberg's Bubble Burst the authors point out Bloomberg silenced voices in opposition. (Looks like that is what this was all about. Silencing Schoolcraft so he couldn't out Bloomberg as fraud selling the lie how safe NYC is when wasn't.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Maslowsneeds/Suzannah_B._Troy Note -- we believe Bloomberg thugs were behind my entire YouTube channel being removed before the election.
Bloomberg is about number games --- money -- economic development and tourism
NYPD Out of Control We Had the Knapp, Mollen Commissions Time for a New One
[Christine Quinn Sold Out] New comment on Adrian Schoolcraft Whistleblower Retaliation Updat....
The Devil is a Liar! has left a new comment on your post "Adrian Schoolcraft Whistleblower Retaliation Updat...":
"So says Queens District Attorney Richard Brown, whose office conducted a criminal investigation of the incident together with the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau."
"Together with NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau"
And there is the problem. The NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau and the NYPD Investigations Bureau is as crooked as it gets. Their main role seems to be tormenting the members of their own department who have angered or annoyed the brass. Look closely at what agencies have busted REAL criminal cops, I.e. gun runners, drug dealers, etc. and it becomes very clear that these criminals are most often caught by outside agencies. State police departments, Federal law enforcement agencies, etc. Rarely does the NYPD's own internal agencies catch real criminals.
New York 'stop and frisk' trial set for March 2013
newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com/.../New_York__stop_and_frisk_...Aug 27, 2012 – By Basil Katz. NEW YORK, Aug 27 (Reuters) - The broadest legal challenge to the New York Police Department's controversial crime-fighting ...New York stop and frisk trial set for March 2013 | Reuters
www.reuters.com/.../us-usa-newyork-stopandfrisk- ...Aug 27, 2012 – NEW YORK (Reuters) - The broadest legal challenge to the New YorkPolice Department's controversial crime-fighting tactic known as stop and ...
Dear All :
Join us on Sunday, December 30 at 1 pm in Jackson Heights for a march against Christine Quinn in which we demand that the New York City Council defund the NYPD of the resources to continue their unconstitutional program of stop and frisk.
Facebook Invite : https://www.facebook.com/events/257314497731161/
Each and every year, New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn approves the NYPD budget without defunding the stop-and-frisk policy. Since she became Speaker of New York City Council, over 3.7 million New Yorkers have been stopped and frisked. Why is this acceptable ?
Read more : A decade of rising stop-and-frisks in New York City : http://christine-quinn-sold-out.blogspot.com/2012/12/Stop-and-frisk-in-NYC-A-decade-of-rising-numbers.html
To keep up with our efforts to educate New York City voters, hit LIKE on our Facebook page :https://www.facebook.com/pages/Queers-Against-Christine-Quinn/135132039902594
Louis Flores
Facebook : Queers Against Christine Quinn
Twitter : @stopchrisquinn
My current concern which involves IA is covering up for The First Precinct Det. Squad and how many others (note NYPD PBA fixing and favors only goes on in the Bronx -- yeah right - it goes on every where including City Hall.) Why would Internal Affairs be so motivated to cover-up for corrupt cops?
If they admit a cop's guilt it can mean criminals go free or possible innocent folks jailed are freed and more embarrassment for NYPD and lack of credibility, make their testimony in trials worthless and the NYPD has become a "brand" that caters to Wall St. Banks, billionaires and NYPD wants to protect their brand.
IA has more than enough reasons to do more "covering-up" damage control than actual investigations.
Go to YouTube and watch me get assaulted -- the NYPD did nothing actually they did worse than nothing -- they corrupt cops involved with Det. Vergona in the lead threatened me with false arrest-- I had to wait 4 days for a false arrest -- a weekend of being kidnapped courtesy of corrupt cops First Precinct?
http://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE Go to YouTube and watch me get assaulted -- the NYPD did nothing actually they did worse than nothing -- they corrupt cops involved with Det. Vergona in the lead threatened me with false arrest-- I had to wait 4 days for a false arrest -- a weekend of being kidnapped courtesy of corrupt cops First Precinct?
Is the NYPD Undercharging Felonies to Make Their Stats Look Good?
Subject: complaint room issue: under charging of cases
Good Morning All,I have been making several observations in the complaint room concerning officers clearly under charging cases, either on their own or based on orders from their supervisors such as charging misdemeanor offenses and it is clear from the arrest report facts that the case is factually a felony or charging a lesser felony than what the facts call for (e.g. forcible touching but the case is actually a Rape 1 or Assault 2 and the case is an attempted murder). Therefore, I need all Assistants to notify me verbally and via email when cases have been grossly undercharged.I need to know the following information (in an email):Name of defendant(s)
Arresting Officer, shield number and precinct
Initial arrest charges
Top charge on the complaint
Whether the officer was instructed to charge a lesser offense, if so
the name and rank of the person who instructed him/her
Whether the officer was told the same facts that you were told by the victim
We contacted the Bronx DA's office for a comment.
Get ready for a very very tough year for the NYPD 2013
ps We had the Knapp and the Mollen Commissions and it seems to me we are on a 20 year cycle -- the time is now...
2013 Frank Serpico joins legal team
Mayor Bloomberg's NYC NYPD Kidnap Arrest Innocent People from Kaylan Pedine to NYPD Whistle Blower Adrian Schoolcraft
Former NYPD Joe Sanchez Betrayed by IA Writes No Arrest Me Being Assaulted Disgrace
Above in Charles Hynes hand writing praise for Joe Sanchez.
Read below in Joe's own words how he was set-up by the NYPD and specifically the Internal Affairs police officers that were suppose to be arresting his corrupt supervisors but as Serpico knew and Adrian Schoolcraft our newest NYPD Whistle Blower on the Block can tell you Internal Affairs has a long history of betraying whistle blowers.
You will read Joe thank Charles Hynes and wishing him good luck on the upcoming election.
Joe Sanchez is sincere. Joe Sanchez a good honest man and a great cop who was set-up by the NYPD brass to be falsely accused of stealing money from drug dealers which he did not do. Joe had to support his family and an NYPD officer he worked with him got him a job right away doing security because she knew he was honest and a good person.
I want to ask Charles Hynes --- you knew Joe Sanchez was innocent. There in your own words what a good cop he is and you did not fight Benjamin Ward the NYPD commissioner at the time to get this good honest cop Joe Sanchez his job back?
Charles Hynes is and was a political animal which is how he has endured so long so he knew Benjamin Ward was doing damage control and Ward wanted Sanchez a honest courageous heroic cop who exposed corrupt supervisors breaking laws out.
Ask Charles Hynes and than ask Richard Brown, the Queens DA why he refused to put Chief Marino and DI Mauriello, in front of a Grand Jury.
Richard Brown will never do what Hynes did which is say Adrian you are a good cop you got f//ked but both men could have fought for these courageous cops trying to expose corruption and did not do enough.
When I saw Hynes we shook hands as he placed his left hand on my
shoulder and said, "You know, Jerry, Joe got F**ked. He was a good cop"
Back in 2007, I went to New York City to promote my books "Latin Blues" and "True Blue: A tale of The Enemy Within" I visited Brooklyn DA Charlie Joe Hynes at his Brooklyn office. I first met up with his spokesperson,
Jerry Schmetterer, who co-wrote with NYPD Police Officer Al Sheppard "E-Man: Life in the NYPD Emergency Service Unit" By the way, Al Sheppard
is a good friend of mine.
While at Jerry Schmetterer's office we spoke for a short time. He then
called Hynes whose office was around the hallway, telling Hynes that I
wanted to see and speak to him. Hynes told Jerry to bring me into his
office. When I saw Hynes we shook hands as he placed his left hand on my
shoulder and said, "You know, Jerry, Joe got F**ked. He was a good cop"
He then said," Sorry I could not help you get your job back, Joe" He then
invited me to sit down so we could shoot the breeze. What I first wanted
to tell him was, "Joe Hynes, you were the new Special State Prosecutor,
appointed by Governor Mario Cuomo in 1985, when your predecessor Thomas
Duffy and his assistant prosecutor, Joe Hester, violated my civil rights
and due process of law by illegally indicting me for a crime I never
committed. You told me after I was fired by Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward, that if the NYPD gave me a departmental hearing, so I could prove my
innocence, you would testified on my behalf. Wow! Unheard of. The Special
State Prosecutor was stepping up to the plate for a cop that was
wrongfully indicted and arrested on bogus charges of ripping off six { 6 }
drug dealers. Not his partner, Herman Velez, just little old Joe Sanchez.
A crime neither Velez nor I committed. You were the new Special State
Prosecutor. You were highly respected and feared by those in the Criminal
Justice System, that were corrupt. All you had to do was say,
'Commissioner Benjamin Ward, in the interest of justice, Joe Sanchez got
F**ked. Give him a departmental hearing, or immediately reinstate him.'"
But, I did not say what I truly wanted to say to Charlie Joe Hynes. He was
courteous enough to see me and let Jerry know I was f**ked. So I kept my
mouth shut, and we chatted for a few more minute on how I was doing, and
the fact that I was able to get my guns back when I became a New York State corrections officer, even though I had lost my job and pension with the NYPD after 13 years of dedication to the City of New York.
We then exchanged books. I signed and handed him two of my books, "Latin
Blues" and True Blue: A Tale of the Enemy Within" He then signed and
handed me his first novel " Triple Homicide. The inscription read: To Joe
Sanchez, a great MOS { Member of Service } NYPD, 2007.
Looking back at
that storm in my life, I am very grateful for the life preserver he threw
me while I was drowning, by dismissing my indictment and preventing me
My very best to Brooklyn DA Charlie Joe Hynes in his upcoming election and
God bless him.
-Joe Sanchez
http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2013/01/nypd-whistle-blower-adrian-schoolcraft.html Hero NYPD officer set up by Internal Affairs found me via my post Adrian Schoolcraft meet Joe Sanchez.
The NYPD have a brutal history of retaliating against NYPD Whistle Blowers and IA players in the betrayal. (Note as I write this IA has my case -- they had 90 days -- it is 6 months since I was violently assaulted and corrupt cops fixed the crime. I continue to wait for Delita Hooks to be arrested and the NYPD cops involved punished how ever small their punishment because the NYPD protect corruption until they can't like rape, gun running, drug dealing but they including IA continue to protect the PBA NYPD fixing and favors.
Joe Sanchez caught criminals -- amazing arrests but his supervisor threatened to take him by the hand and point out summons to be given because Joe was not meeting his quota!
Joe Sanchez knows what I, Suzannah B. Troy suffered and he wrote NYPD handling of me being assaulted disgraces honest cops. I wrote how many letters on behalf of the NYPD including "Betrayal at Ground Zero" in The Wall St. Journal but like Joe Sanchez I was going to get betrayed by corrupt cops at the First Precinct!
FYI: Joe still has haunting dreams. Imagine having children to feed and being set-up in the worst way and handcuffed by the IA officers he went to and was wired up by to catch his bosses on tape.
Joe still believes there are more good cops than not and still loved his job as an NYPD officer.
"It's an exciting job where you see it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. It stays with you until you die. In the last few days, I've dreamt again where I'm back on the job, and feeling so good about it. But not for long. Some boss tells me word has come down that I've been fired again."
I interview Joe Sanchez and ask him what he would say to Adrian Schoolcraft.
Det John Vergona thought he could make me being assaulted go away.
He was wrong.
Even if Internal Affairs and a corrupt legal system protect him, all the corrupt cops involved, Dr. Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St who paid Delita Hooks for violent assault including the running punch to my eye that required eye surgery or go blind there is the video and blogs...
and look 30 years later Joe Sanchez is still telling his story and Adrian Schoolcraft is the newest NYPD Whistle Blower to be set-up -- they did not falsely accuse him of a crime he did not commit or set him up like Serpico for a bullet to his head -- they put Adrian Schoolcraft in a mental ward kidnapping him.
NYPD Betrayal A History of Retaliation against NYPD Whistle Blowers and Internal Affairs Role by Suzannah B Troy
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